Thriving Youth Farmers Uganda

Cultivating Food & Healthy Communities
Employing Youth
Providing Mentorship & Vocational Training


In order for TYoFU to engage farmers full-time and to welcome visitors and volunteers to the farm, safe and sanitary bathroom facilities are essential. Over the last year, TYoFU has been diligently building a sustainable biodigester system and sanitary facilities. Biodigesters are the most cost-effective and healthiest option for people and the environment. In contrast to latrines, biodigesters do not risk contaminating water or producing toxic gases; in fact, the bio-products they produce can be used as irrigation and fertilizer for the farm. As we create a regenerative and climate-friendly farm for generations to come, we are proud to be investing in such technology.

TYoFU has been invited to partner with organizations that provide relevant consultation and training. TYoFU was invited to partner with Georgetown Global Consulting (GGC), a student-led pro-bono consulting organization at Georgetown University. With GGC’s help, TYoFU has additional capacity to apply for grants, expand TYoFU’s network, and increase our visibility. Martin has also joined the Clear Harbor leadership cohort, organized by Vessel Strategy and Consulting, which offers key practices for leaders to apply in their work toward social change and caring, equitable leadership. TYoFU remains a grateful participant of the GlobalGiving learning community, whereby we gain knowledge and a platform for fundraising.


Martin Tomusange and his family live near Kampala, Uganda. Martin’s calling is to support the next generation to thrive. Towards that goal, he founded the NGO “Thriving Youth Farmers Uganda” (TYOFU). He is also an entrepreneur, farmer, electrician, team leader, and project manager. 

In 2008, Martin had a dream. He bought land with the hopes of producing nutritious, local food for his community while employing youth from the region. The recession of 2008 made it necessary for Martin to take other work to provide for his family – but onset of the pandemic was a reminder that there was no better time than the present to pursue his dream. Established in early 2021, Thriving Youth Farmers Uganda (TYoFU) aims to bolster Ugandan youth as the next generation of empowered, employed, community leaders. Thus, TYoFU supports food security, youth, and the local economy simultaneously. 

COVID-19 has accelerated the rate of unemployment in Uganda. Older youth have little recourse, and often suffer from impossible choices. By building a working farm, TYoFU employs youth from the local community, and gives them the kind of stability that allows for both personal and professional development. By partnering with other established institutions in the fields of environment, design, agriculture, leadership skills, and more, TYoFU will ultimately also serve as a center for vocational training and empowerment for a broader group of youth.

In just two years, TYoFU has cleared, prepared, and planted the land, producing an abundance of vegetables and fruits, using a combination of traditional and modern techniques. TYoFU’s team has grown to include Finance Manager, Zawedde Doreen, and as many as nine youth farmers. The team installed critical, sustainable infrastructure, such as an underground water source for clean drinking water and irrigation, a biodigester septic tank, and a solar panel. TYoFU has even provided pop-up music lessons and recycled plastic workshops for youth.

The local community, comprised of Kalongero Cell, Kinziize Ward, and the broader Masulita Town Council, are excited and supportive of TYoFU. TYoFU became an NGO in 2022. To learn more about our activities and accomplishments in the past two years, and our future plans, please see our progress report “Two-Years In: Possibility Unleashed!

We are fundraising for:
  • Increased consistency of employment for youth farmers
  • The infrastructure to raise poultry and livestock
  • Business technology
  • Other sustainable, earth-friendly infrastructure!

“That was the best $100 I’ve ever spent.”

UPON watching a video of the well and water pump installation after a funding goal was met

Thriving Youth Farmers Uganda (TYoFU) LTD is registered as an indigenous Ugandan NGO, Permit #: INDP000531NB, Taxpayer ID # 1029247500. If you are based in Uganda and desirous of donating, please contact Martin at thrivingyouthfarmersuganda@gmail.com. Otherwise, please consider visit our page “Get Involved” to see other ways to donate and support.

How to Get In Touch

Perhaps you’d like to connect about TYoFU’s products or TYoFU’s future. We’d love to hear from you, whether you are a potential friend, customer, partner, advisor, supporter or volunteer! thrivingyouthfarmersuganda@gmail.com
WhatsApp: +256-077-306-3422

We Appreciate You

Thank you for your interest in TYoFU and the community we serve. Thank you to our volunteers and to our community advocates. And thank you to our donors, who make all we do possible.

Here’s to abundance for all!